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Demi Rose vs. Leena Sayed

As many of you know- there has been heated drama between two of the Angels, Leena Sayed and Demi Rose. The drama is over the Instagram account, Taz's Angels Beauty Bar. The account has been around for some time, however it was not really posting anything worth while. However, as of recently Demi Rose, the Angels newest member has taken over the account. She has since increased the number of followers as well as creating several beauty videos for the account. There seems to be some drama with the two girls over the account.

The drama has been going on for some time now. When Demi Rose first came to the house, many were happy for Leena. The group now had 6 members, which meant everyone had someone to pair up with. Many thought Leena and Demi were the perfect set of friends- taking many selfies and fans were loving it. They became super close. Then something changed. Leena first accused Demi of coping her Instagram photos and poses. At first this seemed like a small petty issue, since this became an issue, the two have been drifting apart. However, weeks later the same thing happened again. Leena again accused Demi of being "in her lane". She was furious when Demi took over the beauty bar, claiming she is very involved in beauty and deserves it.

My personal opinion- the argument over the photo's is somewhat silly. There are only so many poses one can do and as they say, immitation is the highest form of flattery. However, Leena has been in the house and apart of the Angels for a much longer time then Demi and I do believe that means she has earned her time there. It will be interesting to see how this plays out for sure! Below are the photo's in question.

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