Reunited (Finally!)
Demi Rose Mawby and Leena Sayed, once best friends have been distant ever since petty drama had taken place a few months back. However on...

Leena and Demi friends again?!
As most of the Angels fans know, Demi Rose Mawby and Leena Sayed use to be the best of friends, until petty drama got in the way of...

September Squat Challenge
The Angels are partaking in a September squat challenge, where they are going to photograph thier progress over the course of the month....

Leena Sayed leaving Taz's Angels!?
After this weeks snaps of the Taz's Angels, new drama has occured focusing on member Leena Sayed. Leena has been with the Angels for...

Rumors on Ruby Sayed
Recently a lot of rumors regarding previous Taz's Angels member Ruby Sayed. Ruby is also known as being the younger sister of Leena...

Demi Rose vs. Leena Sayed
As many of you know- there has been heated drama between two of the Angels, Leena Sayed and Demi Rose. The drama is over the Instagram...