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Taz's Angels

July 2015

June 2015

March 2013
Leena Sayed

July 2015
Angel of the Month
Every month a winner will be selected during our IG #BBLUCONTEST. Contest winner will receive : *A Caviar Blaque EXCLUSIVE BBLU gift bag *** In addition the monthly winners will earn a spot in the finals as #AngelOfTheYear Here are the rules... Post a Pic Stitch of a face and bikini shot, as we have on our winner's example. *MUST #TAG THE FOLLOWING!!! Tag @tazsangels_ and @CaviarBlaque *MUST BE FOLLOWING BOTH PROFILES!!! **MUST HAVE A PUBLIC PROFILE!!! *Contest ends May 25th If it's not #CaviarBlaque that shit's WACK! #BADBITCHESLINKUP #BBLU #TazsAngels

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